How to Fix Netgear Firmware Upgrade Error 109?

If you own a Netgear router, firmware upgrades are essential to ensure optimal performance and security. However, sometimes the process of upgrading the firmware can be met with errors, one of which is the Netgear Firmware Upgrade Error 109.

This error occurs when there is a problem with the firmware upgrade process, preventing the firmware from being installed properly. In this article, we will discuss how to fix the Netgear Firmware Corrupted.

What is Netgear Firmware Upgrade Error 109?

The Netgear Firmware Upgrade Error 109 is a common error that occurs when upgrading the firmware on a Netgear router. It typically happens when the firmware upgrade process is interrupted or the firmware file is corrupted. The error can also occur if there is not enough space in the router's memory to store the new firmware.

Causes of Netgear Firmware Upgrade Error 109

The Netgear Firmware Upgrade Error 109 can be caused by several factors, including:

  • Corrupted Firmware File: If the firmware file you are trying to upgrade is corrupted or incomplete, the firmware upgrade process will fail, resulting in the error.

  • Insufficient Memory: If there is not enough space in the router's memory to store the new firmware, the firmware upgrade process will fail, resulting in an error.
  • Interruption During Firmware Upgrade: The firmware upgrade process can be interrupted by a variety of factors, such as a power outage or a network interruption. This can cause the firmware upgrade process to fail, resulting in an error.
  • Anti-Virus Software: Anti-virus software can sometimes interfere with the firmware upgrade process, preventing the firmware from being installed properly.
  • Web Browser Issues: Issues with the web browser you are using to upgrade the firmware can also cause the error. Cached data or cookies in the web browser can interfere with the firmware upgrade process.
  • Wireless Connection Issues: Firmware upgrades are best done using a wired connection to the router. A wireless connection can be unstable and cause interruptions during the firmware upgrade process, resulting in errors.

How to Fix Netgear Firmware Upgrade Error 109?

Here are some steps you can follow to fix the Netgear Firmware Upgrade Error 109:

  • Check the Firmware Version: Before upgrading the firmware, make sure you have the correct firmware version for your router model. Check the Netgear website for the latest firmware version available for your router.

  • Check the Router Memory: Verify that there is enough space in the router's memory to store the new firmware. If there is not enough space, delete some files from the router's memory to create space.
  • Disable Anti-Virus Software: The firmware upgrade process can be interrupted by anti-virus software. Disable your anti-virus software temporarily while upgrading the firmware.
  • Use a Wired Connection: Firmware upgrades are best done using a wired connection to the router. Avoid using a wireless connection, as this can be unstable and cause interruptions during the firmware upgrade process.
  • Clear Cache and Cookies: Clear the cache and cookies on your web browser before attempting to upgrade the firmware. This will ensure that there are no issues with the browser's cache or cookies interfering with the firmware upgrade process.
  • Reset the Router: If all else fails, reset the router to its default factory settings. This will erase all the router's settings and configurations, so make sure to back up important data before resetting.


In conclusion, the Netgear Firmware Upgrade Error 109 can be frustrating, but it can be fixed by following the steps outlined above. It is important to ensure that you have the correct firmware version for your router, there is enough space in the router's memory, and you use a wired connection when upgrading the firmware.

Disabling anti-virus software, clearing cache and cookies, and resetting the router are also effective solutions to fix the error. By following these steps, you can successfully upgrade the firmware on your Netgear router and ensure optimal performance and security

  •  Nikhil Saini
  •  Last Update: 11 Mar 2024

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