Netgear Router Not Working After Reset Issue

If you are experiencing a Netgear router not working after reset issue, it can be frustrating. Resetting your router is supposed to fix most issues, but if the problem persists, it can be a bit challenging. Here are some troubleshooting steps you can take to resolve the issue:

Causes of Netgear Router Not Working After Reset Issue

There can be various reasons why a Netgear router may not be working properly after a reset. Some common causes include:

Improper reset: If the reset process is not completed properly, it may cause the router to malfunction. For example, if the reset button is not held for the required amount of time, the router may not fully reset.

Corrupted firmware: In some cases, the firmware of the router may become corrupted after a reset, preventing it from working properly.

Hardware issues: There may be some hardware issues with the router, such as a faulty power supply or damaged ports, that prevent it from working after a reset.

Network settings: After a reset, the network settings on the router may not be properly configured, leading to connectivity issues.

Incompatible firmware: If the firmware installed on the router after the reset is not compatible with the hardware, it may cause the router to stop working.

IP address conflicts: If there are multiple devices on the network with the same IP address, it can cause the router to stop working.

These are some of the most common causes of a Netgear router not working properly after a reset. By identifying the root cause of the issue, you can troubleshoot and fix the problem more effectively.

Check the connections

The first step is to check the connections between your router and modem. Ensure that the modem is connected to the internet port on your router, and your computer is connected to one of the LAN ports. Check the cables and make sure that they are not damaged or loose.

Perform a power cycle

Sometimes, performing a power cycle can fix the issue. Turn off your router, modem, and computer. Wait for a few seconds and turn them back on. This process will reset the network and may help to fix the issue.

Reset the router

If the issue persists, try resetting your router to its factory settings. Press the reset button on the back of your router for at least 10 seconds, and release it. The router will reboot and reset to its factory settings.

Update the firmware

If the issue persists, try updating your router's firmware. Open your web browser and enter your router's IP address. Enter your login credentials, and then navigate to the firmware update section. Follow the instructions to update the firmware.


Netgear router not working after reset issue can be frustrating, but following these troubleshooting steps can help you to resolve the issue. Checking the connections, performing a power cycle, resetting the router, updating the firmware, and contacting Netgear service are some of the steps you can take to fix the issue. By following these steps, you can get your Netgear router working again and enjoy uninterrupted internet access.

  •  Nikhil Saini
  •  Last Update: 08 Mar 2024

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